Manninwood is able to slot into your project at any stage, weather it be as a simple supply-only frame contractor, or to offer a full package from feasibility studies through planning and building control to fabrication, installation and completion, we can manage all aspects of the process. Whichever service you require it is always recommended to contact a carpenter sooner rather than later, as apparently minor suggestions at early design stages greatly reduce the chance of big disappointments later on.
With our designs based around our heavy traditional frames, in timbers ranging from Green Oak & Sweet Chestnut, to Douglas Fir, Larch & Reclamation Stock, there really is very little limit to the potential creativity. We are also experienced and keen to support the use of the best natural and low impact building materials such as sheep’s wool, lime, recycled elements and strawbale. From your first meeting with our experienced and qualified designers we hope to assist you in realising your expectations. We do not restrict our craft to the confines of nostalgia, and are more than happy to push the boundaries of our beautiful materials with contemporary proposals. If you can imagine it and it is physically possible, we can create it.

Unless requested otherwise Manninwood routinely specify for minimum impact and maximum efficiency materials and practices as standard – you can call this eco-friendly or sustainable if you like, we just call it common sense. This can mean that the materials offered in initial estimates are more expensive in the short term – e.g. English Oak, Welsh slate, better levels of insulation, proper lead work, high quality hand made joinery, triple glazing units, etc. However we feel this is the most economical option in the long run. If we build to the highest standard the end product will add more value to your home or business, require less maintenance, last longer and be cheaper to run. Utilising the best natural materials, and the hands of skilled men, creates buildings that mature with age rather than decay. We do appreciate that some budgets are very fixed, or you may have some ideas we had not considered, so we are always happy to discuss specifications as required.

Manninwood is always happy to beat any full detailed quote on a like-for-like basis.